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b'Sustainable Finance Framework 20221.4Our commitment to sustainabilityThe social housing sector has become the first UK sector toThe standard brings consensus on how to track and report on come together with lenders and investors to create a commonESG performance in the social housing sector, which will help Sustainability Reporting Standard. We value transparencydecrease some of the ESG reporting requirements on housing and elected to become early adopters to the standard.associations. In May 2020, a working group produced a voluntary ESGThis has been embedded within our annual reporting cycle reporting framework for social housing providers. Followingand in October 2021, we published our first ESG report.several consultations, this led to the Sustainability ReportingWe dont intend to alter this commitment and will continue Standard for Social Housing launched in November 2020.to report against the SRS, as well as our Sustainable Finance It consists of 12 themes including affordability and security,Framework, in our annual reporting cycle.building safety and quality, resident voice, resident support, climate change, and ecologyand 48 criteria for ESG reporting by housing associations.The criteria are also aligned with international ESG frameworks and standards including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the ICMA and LMA Principles. 9'