Customer news

On our website now: Read in 100 languages, listen in 50 languages, summarise, and more


We know that everyone has different needs when it comes to getting information. This could be for a variety of reasons. You may not speak English as your first language, you might be neurodivergent, or you might have a visual impairment, disability, or learning difficulty that affects how you best access information. 

Whatever your needs, we’re committed to helping you access the information you want. That’s why we’ve got a user-friendly toolbar on our website that lets you access information in different ways. 

With our accessibility tool you can: 

  • convert PDFs (like our handy guides and policies) into accessible webpages; 
  • translate text into more than 100 different languages; 
  • read aloud our website content (including PDFs) in over 50 different languages; 
  • download website text as an MP3 file; 
  • change font sizes and colours; 
  • customise background colours; 
  • access a fully integrated dictionary and thesaurus; 
  • add screen masks; 
  • plus even more. 

Text to Speech (TTS) 

Text to Speech software lets you hear the text on our website. You can also change how it’s read to you to fit your preferences. 


If English isn’t your first language, you can use our accessibility toolbar to quickly translate all our web content into over 100 languages, including 65 Text-to-Speech voices.  

Styling and customisation 

15% of the world's population is neurodivergent. People who are neurodivergent can often access text content better if it looks a certain way. Our toolbar allows you to change how our website looks to suit you, such as changing the colour scheme, or the font style, size, colour, and spacing.  

Reading aids 

Reading levels vary in the UK, which can make it challenging for some people to read written information online. There are six main tools you can use to make it easier to read and understand the information on our website, including a ruler, screen mask, magnifier, margins, page summariser, and a dictionary. 


Click ‘Accessibility tools’ in the top left of our website to give it a try. You’ll need to make sure you have accepted the cookies on our website first. 

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