
This website has been built to WCAG AA 2.1 standard. This means that every visitor should be able to access all the information and services that we provide through our website.

Adjusting this website

Change view

You can change the way this website looks to suit your needs. The settings differ depending on your browser (Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari), but most offer some or all of the features.

Change font size

You can adjust the size of nearly all the text on this website by using the font size setting in your browser. This setting is found in the 'View' or ‘Settings’ menu of most browsers. Please see more instructions below.

  • Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome – hold down the ‘Control’ key and select + to increase the text size or - to decrease the text size.
  • Safari - hold down the command key (Apple key) and select + to increase the text size or - to decrease the text size.
  • Firefox - go to 'View', 'Text size'. You can increase or decrease the text size as needed.
Change the colour combination

Some browsers allow you to change the default font and background colours you use to make them high contrast. This is useful for people with a visual impairment. These settings are usually found in the 'Options' or 'Preferences' menus. Alternatively, use the change colour combination option on this website, which can be found at the top of the screen labelled ‘Accessibility tools’.

Use a 'plain' layout

Many browsers allow you to remove all styling from a web page by turning off the website’s 'style sheets'. If your browser supports this setting, you’ll most likely find it in the 'View' menu.

Keyboard access

Most browsers let you move from link to link using the ‘Tab’ key. To move backwards, hold down ‘Shift’ and press the ‘Tab’ key.

At the top of each page there’s a selection of links to the main parts of the page (site map and Cookie Policy for example) which can be accessed via the Accessibility link.

Access keys

Access keys are keyboard shortcuts to common pages on a website. This website does not use access keys because evidence suggests that they interfere with the keyboard controls of many browsers and screen readers.


All the documents linked within this site are in PDF (Portable Document Format). Links to these documents will open a new window. PDF's can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available to download for free by visiting Adobe's website. You’ll also find other free tools that will convert PDFs to plain text or HTML and further information about PDFs and accessibility. Please note some of our PDFs are not fully accessible to Assistive Technology users such as screen readers. We are working to update these.

Skip to content

Skip to content provides a link that allows you to skip directly to the main topic of the webpage.

Screen reader

Our site should be compatible with recent versions of the following screen readers.

  • Window Eyes.
  • VoiceOver.
  • NVDA.
  • Jaws.
  • ZoomText.
  • Supernova screen readers.
  • MAGic.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact us and provide us with the following details; 

  • the web page address;
  • describe the issue;
  • state what type of device you were using (for example, if you were using your mobile or your desktop etc);
  • the name of the browser you were using;
  • the name of any software, or assistive technology, you were using (for example, screen reader).

We’ll then aim to respond as quickly as possible.

More support

AbilityNet is a charity that exists to support people with a disability or impairment by helping them to use digital technology. There’s advice on its website about making your device easier to use if you have a disability. You can visit the website at: