Selling your home
If you want to sell your share of your home, you need to let us know first so that we can offer it to people who have priority for low-cost home ownership.
Your lease explains this process in more detail, including how long we have to find a buyer. It will save you estate agent fees if we can do this for you, but there will be an admin fee if we find a buyer. If we haven't found a buyer within the time period stated in your lease, you can sell your home on the open market. You’ll be responsible for paying any estate agent fees associated with this.
You will be responsible for arranging a Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) market survey to determine the value of your home. The survey will cost you between £180 plus VAT to £300 plus VAT.
If you’d like to sell your home, please complete our Sales enquiry form. By submitting the form you’re agreeing that you’ve read and understood our Resale fact sheet[pdf] 355KB, which provides a guide to the process, tips and an overview of associated costs. It also means that you’re agreeing to us sharing your details with the buyer’s lender or surveyor.
Please note if you have any arrears for service charges or major works this could stop a sale from completing.