Customer Review Panel

Customer Review Panel

Have your say | Customer Review Panel

We have a group of up to nine customers and three co-optees who scrutinise our performance and help us to improve key services.

They work with our employees and Board, providing a representative voice for customers and service users.  

As well as checking our performance, members of this group help us deliver value for money and review customer feedback. They also make direct recommendations to our Board and Executive Management Team.

There are four formal meetings held each year, which Panel members are expected to attend. The Panel meets regularly to discuss the current scrutiny project. They meet virtually or in person at our head office, Myriad House, or at Parkside Community Hub in Chelmsford.

Members receive training to support them in this volunteer role and can develop new skills, which may help bolster their CVs and open up new career opportunities. All members of the Customer Review Panel are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.

Your feedback

There are other ways you can get involved in important decisions about our services. Take a look at our Join a feedback group page or put forward your ideas to improve our services through our Share your ideas page.

Customer Engagement Strategy

We want to enable as many customers as possible to be engaged with us. And we want to do this in ways that suit you by thinking creatively and involving people through non-traditional channels that are inclusive and flexible. You can find out more in our Customer Engagement Strategy[pdf] 178KB.