I’ve worked at CHP for six years. I joined through an agency and worked on reception after coming back from travelling. I’ve since moved across four teams and several job roles to where I am now, Clerk of Works for the New Homes Team.
I’ve found the organisation to be supportive in my desire to progress and choose a career. I’ve also been able to undertake external training through CHP to enhance my knowledge.
Having worked in several teams, I’ve always had a warm welcome when joining them. Managers and peers are always interested in upskilling and sharing their knowledge to enable progression, even if this means a team member moving on to another department. I feel the CHP family genuinely care and will take time out of their day to help where they can, to empower everyone and grow confidence. We also now have a recognition programme for employees to be recognised by others and show appreciation.
I was, before COVID-19, an active member of our netball team (CHP Lyons). This is one of the many health and wellbeing activities available to employees that are run either by employees, or external providers for all to enjoy. We also get help towards everyday healthcare costs, which helps with the netball aches and pains. Our employee discount programme, CHPerks, has offers on a range of goods and services, one to really utilise again now lockdown has eased.
Katie, Clerk of Works
I started at CHP in September 2019 as part of the graduate programme. From the very beginning my new colleagues were welcoming and friendly, and I was – and am still – so struck by my colleagues’ passion for making a difference in people’s lives.
As the organisation’s housing graduate, my initial work involved performing housing management functions, such as managing neighbour disputes, communal misuse, and consultations with customers. As part of the programme, I was helped to do a Chartered Institute of Housing Level 4 Certificate in Housing which expanded my knowledge of housing further. This enabled me to more quickly understand the way housing services are delivered and why. On top of this, I was matched with the CEO for mentoring, and this experience has been invaluable not only for my development and growth, but also for working out what it is I am passionate about doing.
The support and encouragement of my mentor, managers, team, and friends in the workplace encouraged me to have the confidence to try new things and expand my experiences. For example, during the COVID-19 lockdowns I took on responsibility for managing our Welfare Calls project. This is where we reached out to vulnerable customers to check on their wellbeing and see if they needed additional support. I also conducted research and wrote CHP’s new Environmental Sustainability Strategy with the rest of the graduates, influencing corporate direction and forging commitment to a sustainable housing sector. Additionally, I researched and wrote responses on behalf of the organisation for parliamentary enquiries and government consultations.
I’m grateful for all the support I was given during this time. CHP’s dedication to helping me grow, realise my strengths, and expand my horizons – all the while making a difference in our communities – is something that makes me very proud to work here.
I have since finished the graduate programme early and have been promoted into a full-time position as Customer Engagement Co-ordinator. This work is all about hearing and promoting the voice of the customer in everything that we do, enabling people to speak for themselves and be represented. I believe this makes real change, and I’m incredibly honoured to be able to do this work, and to work for an organisation that really cares.
Victoria, Customer Engagement Co-ordinator

CHP is a fantastic place to work with great career opportunities, as well as great colleagues to work alongside every day who really care about the work we do.
I’ve really enjoyed developing my career and gaining my qualifications working here. I started in our Customer Resolution Centre and had fantastic opportunities to work across many areas in housing which has led to my role as District Manager and a chartered member of the Charted Institute of Housing (CIH).
Alice, District Manager