Complaints and compliments

Our customers are at the heart of what we do. To enable us to deliver a great customer experience we welcome all your feedback, both positive and negative. This helps us to know when we get things right and also where we need to improve.


We understand that sometimes things go wrong. As soon as we're aware that you feel unhappy with the level of service we’ve given, we'll contact you and take the necessary steps to put things right quickly.

If you’re unhappy with the service we’ve delivered you can open a complaint. You can do this by completing the Your Feedback form. Alternatively you can:

  • call us on 0300 555 0500;
  • email us at;
  • write to us or visit our office at Myriad House, 33 Springfield Lyons Approach, Chelmsford, CM2 5LB;
  • message us on social media.

We’ll acknowledge your complaint in writing within five working days and take your complaint through our two-stage process. This is set out in detail in our Complaint Handling and Resolution Policy. You can find an Easy Read version of this policy below. 

All formal complaints are handled by one team. They work closely with colleagues across the business to make sure we do everything necessary to investigate the issue in detail and keep you informed. Read our guide to making a complaint and giving feedback for more information.

Lessons learnt

Here are examples of where we’ve used our customers’ voices to embed lessons learnt into our daily service delivery, identified through the learning from our customer panels and via our complaints process.

We use all feedback as a positive source of information to continuously improve the services we provide and our customers’ experience. We’ll monitor service requests and formal complaints, analysing trends and learning from feedback.

You said We did

A customer said they hadn’t been notified about a contractor scheduled to complete an external survey outside their home/block.


We’ve updated our work instructions and provided relevant training to our Asset Management Team to prevent this from happening again, making sure that customers are updated accordingly.


We provided incorrect information to a customer about parking permits and the process of ordering a new one.


We’ve made updates to our processes to make sure that the correct advice is given in future.

alt="" We received feedback about the language used in a complaint response letter. The customer felt that it came across as defensive.  alt=""

We’ve completed a review of our complaint response letters and will be changing how we structure and word them. We want to make sure they're more customer-focused and supportive.


When working closely with customers at Andrews Place around our lettings process, customers told us that the process for bidding on properties was complicated. 


We acknowledged the feedback and changed the process to a direct let offer to simplify the letting process. 


Housing Ombudsman Service

The Housing Ombudsman Service is set up by law to look at complaints about housing organisations registered in their scheme. Their service is free, independent and impartial.

The role of the Ombudsman is to resolve disputes, including awarding compensation or providing other remedies when appropriate, and to support effective landlord tenant dispute resolution by others. Residents and landlords can contact the Ombudsman at any time for support.

Find out more about what they do and how they work.

A fair approach | Complaint performance 

You can read about our handling of complaints in our Annual Complaint Performance and Service Improvement Report for 2023-2024. We assessed ourselves against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code to produce this report. It tells you how many complaints we received last year, our performance when responding to them, themes, and what we’re doing to learn from them, along with determinations from the Housing Ombudsman when complaints have been escalated. Our Board has reviewed this and here is their response

Complaint handling code

From 1 April 2024, landlords are required by law to follow the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code. This aims to improve how complaints are handled and provide a better service to customers.

We’ve reviewed our complaints process to make sure we’re compliant. You can download our Self-Assessment for 2025 to find out more.

For more information on how we manage customer feedback, please see our leaflet, a guide to making a complaint and giving feedback.

Compensation and goodwill gesture

We aim to provide an excellent service, but recognise that sometimes we don’t meet these standards. If we fail to meet the level of service set out in our published standards, we’ll apologise and aim to put things right. At times this may involve paying compensation to you or making a goodwill gesture. You can read about our approach, when goodwill gestures will be paid, and how an amount is calculated in our Compensation and Goodwill Gesture Policy[pdf] 206KB.


It’s great to hear when we have done well. This means we can make sure to keep doing it and share good practices across our team. We’ll also pass any compliments on to those employees that have given great service, so they know when they’re doing well.

Your feedback
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    CHP has been very good to me. You have always kept in touch through frequent communication  with your tenants. In addition CHP is always ready to address any issues that may arise concerning the property. CHP has also made me feel valued as a tenant, by involving me  in decision making, through answering questionnaires. Lastly, I like the CHP property I live in.

    CHP customer

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    I'm delighted with the house and it's condition and Im very satisfied with the help I have received from you so far. All matters have been dealt with in a prompt and professional way. Thank you. Have a great week

    CHP customer

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    From beginning to end the service was brilliant. The workers were on time every day, they were polite and friendly and always tidied up after too , the quality of work was also outstanding, I'm very happy with the service from both the council and the subcontractors. 5 star.

    CHP customer