Living well with dementia

There are currently around 900,000 people in the UK living with dementia. It mainly affects people over the age of 65. The likelihood of developing dementia increases significantly with age. One in 14 people aged over 65 has dementia and this rises to one in six for people aged over 80. Dementia can affect younger people too. This is often called young-onset dementia. Around one in 20 people with dementia are younger than 65. 

Where to find support

Alzheimer's Society offers a range of dementia support services. From a listening ear on the phone to a visit in person and opportunities to connect with others. Call 0333 150 346 or visit for personalised information, support, and advice. You can also find a range of local support and the latest events such as Singing for the Brain and Memory Cafés near you by clicking on  Dementia Support - Mid-Essex.pdf.

It’s important to us that we’re always improving our services for customers who are living with dementia and their families. In 2023, we were the first housing association in Essex to be accredited as ‘working towards being a dementia friendly organisation’ from the Alzheimer’s Society. We partnered with Dementia Action Alliance and the Alzheimer’s Society to develop an action plan to improve our learning and continue to make a difference.


Our action plan

Improving services


We’ll provide training for employees to raise awareness and understanding of dementia. This includes our contractors and third-party service providers. We’ll also improve awareness and signposting for customers, their carers, and our employees, so everyone knows where to get help and support. We already have a working group which is made up of volunteers from across the business.


We’ll create safe spaces for our customers living with dementia. This includes our sheltered schemes, communal spaces, our Parkside Community Hub, and head office, Myriad House. We’ll promote how we can adapt existing customers’ homes, and work with them so they can live well and independently as long as possible. We’ll listen to customers living with dementia to understand what would help them when we build new homes.


We’ll make sure that our Equality Impact Assessments include customers living with dementia. 


We’ll work with local partners to provide inclusive events for customers to live well with dementia and offer volunteering opportunities. We’ll also train customers to become Dementia Friends Ambassadors and act as our community champions.