Damp and mould
If you’ve got mould in your home or think you have an issue with damp, we’re here to help. Please contact us as soon as possible so we can assess the problem and arrange suitable repairs quickly. We have a dedicated email address you can use - reportdampandmould@chp.org.uk.
Mould is caused by moisture in buildings. This can be because of leaking pipes, rising damp in ground level floors, or rain seeping in from damage to a roof or window frames. The other main cause of moisture and mould is condensation from everyday activities such as cooking, washing, drying clothes and bathing. There are things you can do to help reduce the risks from condensation building up in your home so please check out our guide to damp and mould.
The main risk from mould is that it can lead to respiratory problems or infections, and it can potentially make allergies or asthma much worse. Children, the elderly and people with skin or respiratory conditions are therefore most at risk from the effects of mould. They can be impacted even by small amounts if it's not dealt with correctly.
So please don’t leave any mould unattended. Our guide to damp and mould explains the different types of mould and what to do if you have them. Please also let us know as soon as possible so we can see how we can help.
For more information about our approach to preventing, treating, and managing damp, mould, and condensation in our homes read our Damp Mould and Condensation Policy.
Dealing with household pests
Insects and rodents can pose a serious health and infection risk to your home. Rodents can also cause extensive damage to your property.
It’s your responsibility to sort out any pest problems you have. You can read our guide to preventing pests in your home for advice on what you can do to reduce the chance of rodents and insects in your home. You can get this by signing up or signing in to your online account. It’s our responsibility to fix holes in the brickwork, roof or skirting board in your home where rodents can gain access. Please report these to us via your online account.
If you need more support, please contact your Local Authority and speak to the Environmental Services Department.
Contents insurance
You are responsible for insuring the contents of your home. We don’t cover your contents as part of your tenancy agreement.
Contents insurance is designed to help protect your possessions. No matter how careful you are, there’s always a risk that your belongings could be broken, damaged, or stolen. Contents insurance can help provide peace of mind should something happen to them.
We work with Thistle Tenant Risks who provide the My Home Contents Insurance Scheme designed for tenants living in social housing. Leaseholders are also eligible to apply.
The scheme can offer you insurance for home contents including furniture, carpets, curtains, clothes, bedding, electrical items, jewellery, pictures, and ornaments. Take a look at the rate card to see how much you might pay depending on the value of your home contents and how you pay. You can find out more about limits and exclusions that may apply on Thistle’s website.
The new My Home online platform lets you buy your home contents insurance policy online when paying monthly by Direct Debit. While convenient, please note that Direct Debit is more expensive than other payment options.
You can find out more information or request a call back by visiting My Home Contents Insurance or by calling Thistle Tenant Risks on 0345 450 7288. You can work out the value of your home contents using their handy online calculator.
You can also find out more information about the scheme by signing in to your online account or requesting an application pack by contacting us.
You can also request a call back from a member of the My Home Contents Insurance team.
Buildings insurance
It’s our responsibility to arrange buildings insurance which covers damage to the structure of the building. Your service charges cover the cost of the insurance. You can’t opt-out or arrange cover with another insurer. If you're a shared owner or leaseholder and need to make a claim, you must contact the insurance company directly. You can find a summary of the cover below.
Buildings insurance summary of cover (leaseholder/shared owner) 2024.pdf
Subsidence and heave
Subsidence and heave are types of ground movement that can impact the structure of your home. We’ve produced a guide to how we manage subsidence and ground heave. It explains more about what subsidence and heave are, the signs to look out for, and how they can affect your property. The guide also includes information about how we manage building insurance claims on your behalf if we find evidence of subsidence and heave.
If you think subsidence or ground heave may be affecting your home, please contact us as soon as possible and we’ll arrange for one of our surveyors to take a look.
Disposing of large household items
It’s your responsibility to dispose of large household items which are not normally collected by refuse collectors e.g. furniture and large electrical equipment. We don’t offer a collection service. You can contact your local authority directly who will collect some large items or visit www.essex.gov.uk/waste-recycling to find out how to arrange this.
Preparing for a power cut
Power cuts in the home happen from time to time and often they’re due to circumstances beyond our control. In the event of a planned power cut, your energy provider will usually give you several days’ notice. You can also check your provider’s website for planned power cuts. If you don’t know who your provider is, you can find out by calling 105 or visiting Power cut 105.
Sometimes power cuts are unplanned, for example due to demand overload caused by bad weather or equipment failure. Either way, it’s good to be prepared, particularly if there’s someone in the household with additional needs.
Here are ten tips to help you prepare for a power cut.
- Keep a torch, extra batteries, and a portable radio handy.
- Have a mobile phone or other device accessible to communicate or access information.
- Keep a list of emergency phone numbers, including your local power company.
- If you rely on mains powered medical equipment you probably already have a backup plan in place. Test the backup generator or battery and check if you can get to a location with power.
- If you use a stairlift, check that it has a manual handle to help you get safely down the stairs in a power cut. Most will also have a battery backup.
- Store enough non-perishable food and fresh water to last for a few hours.
- Look up how to reset devices and appliances after power cuts e.g., some cookers won’t work until the clock has been set.
- Know where your consumer unit trip switches or fuse board are. Trip switches should be in the up position for ‘on’.
- Add elderly or vulnerable residents to your supplier’s Priority Service Register.
- Check whether you can take part in energy saving events run by your supplier. These can save you money and, if enough households take part, they can reduce the likelihood and extent of power outages.
For more tips you can read our guide to preparing for a power cut. This provides advice on what to do and what not to do during a power cut, as well as what to do if a trip switch has gone off and you think it’s because of a faulty appliance.