Homeowners: Tribunal application accepted for new electricity contract

In April, we wrote to all homeowners who contribute to communal electricity through service charges. We wanted to let you know that we’d made an application to the First-tier Tribunal about the new contract we’d entered into for the supply of electricity to communal areas and services.
We’ve now received the tribunal’s decision, which accepts our application and gives us dispensation from the usual consultation process for the electricity contract. You can download the full decision from our website by visiting the Application to tribunal for new electricity contract page. This also provides more information on our application, the contract we’ve entered into, why the tribunal made their decision, and details on how an appeal can be made.
As a reminder, we submitted this application because we weren’t able to follow the standard consultation process for a qualifying long-term agreement. A qualifying long-term agreement is a contract lasting more than one year, where any leaseholder or shared owner contributes more than £100 towards it in a financial year.
Normally, as part of our consultation process for these contracts, we notify homeowners about the offers we have received before choosing one. However, with our new electricity contract, we were unable to follow this procedure because the offers were available only for a limited time. If we had sent out letters detailing the offers, the offers would no longer have been valid by the time the letters were delivered.
If you have any queries about the tribunal’s decision that you’d like to discuss with us, please contact our Leasehold Management Team by calling 0300 555 0500 or emailing MB-Leasehold.ServicesMailbox@chp.org.uk.