MS Awareness Week and adaptations: how CHP can support customers

This week is multiple sclerosis (MS) awareness week. It’s recognised by national charities that support people living with MS, and this year they’ve teamed up to raise awareness for 2024’s theme of breaking the stigma. MS is a neurological condition and there are different types of it, with a range of symptoms. For many, it can be an invisible illness that doesn’t affect their daily lives, but for others, it can be challenging to navigate. You can read more about what MS is here.
Symptoms of MS and many other health conditions may mean that people need adaptations to their homes to be able to live independently and move around safely. CHP’s Asset Manager, Clare, lives with MS and has shared some insight into how her experience of a relapse has given her a different perspective on supporting customers who need adaptations.
Clare said, “I never considered myself as ‘disabled’ prior to my first acute relapse in 2021. I lost all movement and the use of the left side of my body. I couldn’t walk, speak clearly, go to the toilet alone or function.
“I’d never thought about changes to my home to allow me to live independently, but I suddenly couldn’t wash or dress alone. Very quickly, elements of my home became fully disabling, such as a handrail on one side of the stairs and nowhere to hold onto in the bathroom.
“Whilst I am now as recovered as I ever will be, I am still considering changes such as a through floor lift to help in future, in the event of another acute relapse, or a faster deterioration in my physical health. I believe my personal experience opens my eyes more widely to the ways in which a home can quickly become a prison if it doesn’t work for you.”
At CHP, we have two types of adaptations that you can request. These are called simple and complex adaptations. Simple adaptations include fitting hand rails, shower seats or accessible sockets and switches. You can apply for a simple adaptation using your online account.
Complex adaptations are items such as stair lifts, or alterations to doors, and installing ramps. To apply for a complex adaptation, you need to first speak to an occupational therapist from social services, who’ll assess your needs. You can do this by calling Social Care Direct on 0345 603 7630. After the assessment, they’ll write a recommendation. We’ll then be able to evaluate how practical their recommendations are, considering planning restrictions and the design of your home.
You can find more about adaptations, how long it takes for adaptations to be completed, and apply for them by logging into your online account: