Our Dementia Friendly accreditation

We’ve been accredited as “working towards being dementia friendly” from the Alzheimer’s Society. We’re the first housing association in Essex to have achieved this accreditation and we’re proud to lead the way in supporting customers to live well with dementia.
According to Alzheimer’s Research UK, there are 944,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this number is set to increase. We recognise that dementia doesn’t only affect the person diagnosed with the disease, but also their family and friends. We want to understand the impact that becoming a dementia friendly organisation and community can have on people living with dementia.
We’ve developed an action plan in partnership with Chelmsford District Dementia Friendly Community and the Alzheimer’s Society. Although we’re accredited for working towards being dementia friendly, this is just the beginning of what we hope to achieve. Our plan focuses on four key areas: people, place, procedures and partnerships.
The people area focuses on providing training for employees to raise awareness and understanding of dementia. This includes our contractors and third-party service providers. We’ll also improve awareness and signposting for customers, their carers and our employees, so everyone knows where to get help and support. We already have a working group which is made up of volunteers from across the business.
For places, we’ll focus on creating safe spaces for our customers living with dementia. This includes our sheltered schemes, communal spaces, our Parkside Community Hub, and head office, Myriad House. We’ll promote how we can adapt existing customers’ homes, and work with them so they can live well and independently as long as possible. We’ll listen to customers living with dementia to understand what would help them when we build new homes.
For procedures, we’ll make sure that our Equality Impact Assessments include customers living with dementia. Partnerships will focus on working with local partners to provide inclusive events for customers to live well with dementia and offer volunteering opportunities. We’ll also train customers to become Dementia Friends Ambassadors and act as our community champions.
Recently, we’ve been working closely with our contacts at the Essex Community Dementia Support Team. They attended a customer event at Andrews Place to help answer questions and concerns that customers living with dementia might have around the regeneration work. We also met with carers of customers, some in the early stages of dementia diagnosis, and some fully diagnosed, to share tools and advice with them.
World Alzheimer's Month 2024
In honour of World Alzheimer's Month this September, we we wanted to raise awareness of some of the local events, support groups and resources available to Chelmsford residents affected by dementia.
World Alzheimer's Awareness Event
Informal event with information and refreshments
Tile Kiln Church, Robin Way, CM2 8AU
Thursday 19 September, 2-4pm
Visit tilekilnchurch.org.uk for more information.
Chelmsford Memory Walk
2k or 7k walk to raise money and awareness
Hylands Park
6 October, 10am
Register at alzheimers.org.uk.
Thingamajig Memory Cafe
Relaxing space, support and activities for carers of people with dementia
Church of the Holy Spirit, Forest Drive, CM1 2TS
Call 07956 855038 or email george2short@aol.com for details of next event
Memory Cafe
Museum session for those living with dementia and their loved ones
Well's Suite, Chelmsford Museum
Every second Monday of the month, 10.30am-12pm
For more information, visit chelmsford.gov.uk.
Every Day Counts
Support groups for those in the early stages of dementia
Local groups in Writtle, Springfield, Braintree, Sandon, and Broomfield - visit essexdementiacare.org.uk for details.
Writtle Walking Football
For people with dementia, their carers, and loved ones
Writtle University College, Lordship Road, Writtle, CM1 3RR
Every Wednesday, 11am–12pm
Call 07759 119512 or email essexandhertsgroups@alzheimers.org.uk.
Dementia-friendly cinema
Cinema club for people with dementia and their loved ones
Manor Lodge Care Home, CM2 0EP
Every First Friday of the month, from 10am
Call 01245 806479 or visit careuk.com to book your free space.
Other Halves
Support and friendship for dementia carers
Hudson’s Coffee, Danbury Mission, 45 Maldon Road, Danbury, CM3 4QL
Every Tuesday, 10.30am
Call 07955 345290 or email info@otherhalves.org.uk or visit otherhalves.org.uk for more information.
Shifting Perspectives: Exploring Art Together
Group for people living with dementia and their companions to choose works of art for an exhibition.
Chelmsford Museum, CM2 9AQ
Saturdays 5 & 19 October, and 2 &16 November, 10.30am to 12.30pm
Contact Claire Willetts at museums@chelmsford.gov.uk or on 01245 605700 to register your interest before 16 September. Find out more at chelmsford.gov.uk.
Melodies for Memories
Dementia-friendly singing group
Maldon United Reformed Church, Market Hill, CM9 4PZ
First Tuesday of the month, 2.30-3.30pm
Call 07940 231609 or email maldondistrictdfc.enquiry@gmail.com.
Dementia Support Line: 0333 150 3456
Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline: 0800 888 6678 or email helpline@dementiauk.org
Online community for those affected by dementia: Dementia Support Forum
Online community for carers: Carers Connect
Self-help guide for people in the early stages of dementia: My Life, My Goals
Find support near you: Local support services
Sign up for informative emails from the NHS: Dementia Information Service