Staying safe with mobility scooters, e-bikes, and e-scooters

Personal electric vehicles (PEVs) include mobility scooters, e-scooters, and e-bikes. These vehicles are powered by lithium batteries, which can cause devastating fires. It’s essential that PEVs are used, stored, and charged correctly to make sure that you and your neighbours stay safe.
Fires relating to PEVs are most common when they’ve been modified, used with the wrong chargers, or fitted with unsafe products bought online. Around 40% of the fires happen when charging batteries, but most occur when the vehicles are static (not charging).
How to stay safe
Here are our top tips for helping to make sure your mobility scooter, e-bike, or e-scooter doesn’t pose a fire risk:
- Avoid leaving your battery charging unattended or when you're asleep.
- Don’t leave vehicles in hallways or corridors at any time. Escape routes must be kept clear in case of an emergency.
- Always buy e-scooters, e-bikes, mobility scooters, chargers, and batteries from reputable retailers.
- Avoid modifying your vehicle.
- Make sure you’re using the correct charger for your vehicle.
Check your electrical items
The government's Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) publishes information about unsafe products, including recalls and safety alerts for a variety of appliances including PEVs. Visit the website to check the appliances in your home are safe.
You can email if you have any concerns relating to unsafe appliances, including PEVs.