Water is worth saving

It’s fair to say it feels like it’s always raining, however East Anglia is actually one of the driest regions of the UK.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen some of the hottest and driest summers on record. This, combined with more people staying at home, has resulted in a huge increase in water usage, and wasting water is basically like pouring money down the drain. If everyone were to make small changes to their water usage, we can preserve this extremely valuable resource.
To help in this effort Essex & Suffolk Water are offering free water saving kits, with everything from water saving tap inserts to garden water saving items.
Here are some quick tips to help you cut down your water usage.
- Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
- Take a shower instead of a bath.
- Plug your basin when washing or shaving.
- Use a bowl when washing up instead of running the tap.
- If you have a dual flush toilet system, make sure you use the short flush (usually the smaller button).
- Use a bucket and sponge to reduce the amount of water you use to wash your car.
For more water saving tips and to find out how much water you can save visit save water in the home or download this handy guide from Essex & Suffolk Water.