What does the CHP Board do?

At CHP, we have a Board that oversees everything we do. It’s their job to make sure we’re on track and doing our best. By setting our priorities and keeping a close watch on our operations and strategy, the Board keep us focused on delivering what we say we will. They also make sure we’re doing the things that matter to you most.
The Board is made up of 10 non-executive directors with long-standing careers and experience in social housing, customer service, finance, asset management, and many other disciplines. Paul Edwards, our Chief Executive, and Neil Perrins, our Chief Financial Officer, are also Board members.
An important goal they’ve helped us set is to provide high-quality services that meet your needs now and in the future. One of the ways we’re working on this is by tracking trends from negative feedback you give us and making improvement plans. This will help us to provide a better experience based on what you’re telling us.
Our Board have helped shape our commitment to focusing on clear and consistent communications with you. For us this means keeping you up to date at the right time and leaving you feeling respected. To make improvements, we’re reviewing many of our communications, such as the letters we send you.
They’ve also influenced our focus on connecting with customers so that we better understand your needs and make positive contributions to your community. Last year, this took the form of our Connecting Communities, Homes, and People initiative. This is helping us to get to know you better and find out what you need from us to live well in your home. We held lots of community events, including ‘meet CHP days’, neighbourhood clean-ups, community get-togethers, and sheltered housing coffee mornings.
We’ll take these plans further this year by implementing our customer visits programme. We’ll visit you in your home, giving you the chance to discuss anything that we might be able to help you with or do better. And we’ll make sure that the household details we have about you are correct and up to date at the same time.
The Board are also responsible for overseeing how we plan to spend our money and use our resources. This has influenced how we improve our financial control and processes and make the most of every pound we spend for customers. Plus, they’ve encouraged our big focus on sustainability and drive to achieve carbon net zero emissions by 2050. You can read more about this in our Environmental, Social, and Governance Report.