Why are you asking me to take part in this survey?
In 2021, the government published The Charter for Social Housing Residents. This set out the actions they’ll take to make sure that anyone living in social housing is safe, listened to, has a good quality home and can get help when things go wrong.
One of these actions was for the Regulator of Social Housing to introduce tenant satisfactions measures (TSMs). The regulator consulted on the TSMs in 2022 and now all social landlords must provide information on their performance. This information includes tenants’ views which landlords have to collect through special perception surveys with questions set by the regulator. The first surveys have to be completed in 2023/2024.
How will my answers be used?
All the responses from CHP customers who take part in the survey will be combined to give us, the regulator and you a picture of how we’re performing.
We’ll use this research to see where there’s room for improvement and where we’re doing well. We’ll combine it with the other feedback you already give us, to help us learn and focus on where we make changes.
The regulator has told us we have to report the first year of findings in the summer of 2024. So that’s also when we’ll let you know what the results tell us.
Who will contact me?
We want to make sure the survey is done in the best way possible to get the most accurate results. Therefore, we’ve commissioned an independent company called IFF Research to carry out these surveys on our behalf. IFF Research is a social and market research agency with a strong reputation and a lot of experience working with other social housing landlords, the regulator and government. They’re also experts in the TSMs.
How and when will IFF Research contact me?
From 13 February 2023, you may receive a phone call from 0203 148 7645 asking about the services we provide.
To give you flexibility on when you can take part, IFF Research will call between 9am-8pm Monday to Friday and 11am-4pm on Saturdays.
You may also receive an email from myopinions@iffresearch.com inviting you to take part in the survey online. Email reminders inviting you to take part the online survey will be sent from myopinions@iffresearch-dm.com.
If you’re contacted about this survey by someone from another number or email address, please do not respond or give them any personal information as it will be a hoax. If you have any concerns about a contact you think may not be genuine, please phone us on 0300 555 0500 (text relay: 18001 0300 555 0500) or email enquiries@chp.org.uk.
What will IFF Research ask me?
IFF Research will ask for your opinions on the services we provide. For example, they may ask about how we’ve handled your anti-social behaviour case or how satisfied you are with our repairs service. They may also check that your contact details are up to date.
IFF Research will never ask for any personal passwords or financial information such as your bank account details. If someone calls you claiming to be from IFF or another company and asks for this information, please do not respond as it will be a hoax. If you have any concerns about a contact you think may not be genuine, please phone us on 0300 555 0500 (text relay: 18001 0300 555 0500) or email enquiries@chp.org.uk.
How long will the survey take to complete?
The survey will typically take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
We’re allowed by the Regulator of Social Housing to add as many questions as we want but we’re keeping the questionnaire short. This is so we can keep it focussed on the TSMs and make it easy for you to respond.
Is my feedback confidential?
We won’t include anything in our findings that could personally identify an individual customer.
There are some questions where it may be helpful for us to know who you are so we can follow up with you about any issues you raise in your feedback. However, we recognise that some topics may be quite sensitive so IFF Research can keep your responses completely anonymous if you’d like. At the end of the survey, you’ll be asked if you’re happy for us to contact you and you can always say no. If there are any questions you’d prefer not to answer, please let the interviewer know.
What information about me do you share with IFF Research?
We’ll only share information with IFF Research that’s relevant to make sure the survey is representative of our different customer groups and to help analyse the results. This information will include your name, address, telephone number and email address.
How do I know my data is secure?
Your privacy is very important to us. IFF Research is a member of the Market Research Society (MRS) and complies with the MRS Code of Conduct. For full details about IFF Research’s privacy policy please visit their website.
Why haven’t I been contacted?
The requirements for the survey set out by the Regulator of Social Housing are for a representative sample of tenants from each social housing landlord. This is to make sure the results are statistically reliable. The regulator has specified the number of responses we need to collect as well as the range of customers we need to cover. Therefore, IFF Research will only contact some of our customers each time until we meet the number we need.
If you haven’t been contacted but want to tell us what you think, we’d still love to hear from you. Please click here to contact us.
What can I do if I don’t want to take part in this survey?
It you’re contacted by phone, the person calling will always check that you’re happy to take part. If you’d prefer not to, just let the researcher know, and they’ll make sure you’re removed from IFF Research’s list of people to contact.
If you receive an email and don’t want to take part in this research, you can simply not respond.